Governance, Corruption, and Policy Implications

Governance, Corruption, and Policy Implications

Paper Session

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

12:00 Noon – 2:00 PM (GMT) 

Seminar Room 4                                    Chair: Chuks Idiaye, University of Ibadan

Digital Public Governance and Corruption: Analysis of a Bidirectional (two-way) Relationship in sub-Saharan Africa

Kogueda Afia Franky Brice*, University of Douala
Etgard Engama Manga, University of Saint Jerome

The moderating Effect of Financial Development, Legal Systems, and Property Rights on Growth in SSA: Evidence from Methods of Moment Quantile Regression

Mubarik Salifu*, University of Cape Coast
James Atta Peprah, University of Cape Coast
William Godfred Cantah, University of Cape Coast
Water for All; All for water: Assessment of the Effectiveness of Water Governance, a Case Study of Kenya

Kent Alwaka Mukoya* & Mbutu Mwaura, Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company

Afolabi Balogun, Nigerian Army University Biu
Michael Adu Okyere, Clean Air Task Force
Winfred Ayertey, Electricity Company of Ghana Limited


Click here to have access to Seminar Room 4’s  Zoom link
Meeting ID: 960 1412 1191 and Passcode: 441870